Thank you for your support of the Transcend Campaign!
The success of our campaign gives St. Ann the resources and opportunity to serve parishioners in the pews and beyond through the power of the Eucharist in our worship space.
Planning Your Gift Over Three Years – Suggested Amount
The tabernacle inside the Chapel will remain there.
No, the way we pray and worship will remain the same. However, since Jesus Christ (inside the Tabernacle) will be present, there will be a greater sense of reverence inside the Main Church.
1 year to 18 months
If interested, reach out to Rebecca Almanza at ralmanza@stannparish.org.
You can support this project through your prayers; volunteering your time to call individuals, write letters, and share the vision and story of St. Ann; hosting a vision sharing at your house; financially supporting this project; and many more activities!
"After 30 years at St. Ann's, we view the parish as a vital anchor for families in a society drifting from family values and Christian principles. Our goal is to fortify the parish as a source of beauty and faith, ensuring its enduring legacy for the next generation. St. Ann Parish is an integral part of our extended family, and we take joy in dedicating our time, talent, and resources alongside fellow Catholics united in serving Christ's purposes."
Rex Sanders and Barbara Sanders, Lead Co-Chairs

Contact Us
If you are interested in learning more about how you can help this campaign, please contact a member of our Development team:
You can also call us at 877.393.1335.
Rebecca Almanza
Director of Development
Kris Kramer
Campaign Consultant