Answer Beauty’s Invitation
Envision the church as a dynamic canvas of evangelization and formation. As you step into this Sacred Space, let your gaze be drawn to the adorned walls, shaping the church into a reflection of our heavenly reality—a sacred space that transcends the physical, where Beauty awaits. Follow the designs to the reredos, where Jesus will reside in our new Tabernacle. Here is where both you, the faithful and seeker, will encounter Beauty in the Eucharist, the Church, and Sacred Space, which will forever change your life.
Scroll down to make the vision a reality!
Campaign Overview
As we embrace the National Eucharistic Revival, we’ve begun a journey to place a tabernacle at the heart of our sacred space. The tabernacle and its accompanying artwork and structures will enhance our reverence and awareness that Jesus Christ is our Eucharistic Lord.
Tabernacle / Church Beautification
$3 Million
Install a tabernacle and enhance the church with fresh paint, new/enhanced sacred art murals, and ambulatory screens— art glass behind altar.
Lighting and Sound
$4 Million
Complete the church beautification with new sound system and improved lighting
Campus Enhancement
~$6 Million
Complete phases 1 and 2, and add a larger adoration chapel and a new playground
From The Pastor…
Dear St. Ann Family,
We invite you to be part of an extraordinary journey that marries the aesthetic with the divine, and the spiritual with the beautiful – welcome to Transcend: The Way of Sacred Beauty. As we embark on this sacred endeavor, we are excited to share how your generosity can magnify the impact of our Church, creating a space that brings people to Jesus, forms them as disciples, and sends them to transform the world.
Transcend provides an opportunity to bring a tabernacle into our main church and enhance its sacred beauty, we embrace the timeless wisdom conveyed by St. Augustine: "Beauty is the reflection of truth." Every facet of our Church's life, from the Liturgy to our acts of service, is a testament to the truth that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. It is our deep desire to create an environment that transcends the ordinary, captivating those who enter and guiding them toward the real presence of Christ. Through this, we invite everyone to fully engage in the sacred mysteries and be transformed by the profound love of our Lord.
United in the Eucharist,
Very Reverend Edwin Leonard,V.F.
Why We Give

"We're thrilled to support Transcend! The tabernacle and inspirational artwork in our main church will transform our faith community. This campaign allows us the honor of bringing people closer to Jesus both now and in the future."
Mark Williard & JL Radford-Williard
Lead Co-Chairs
The church building at its core is a sacramental —a visible expression of an invisible reality—made for the “sanctification of man and the glorification of God.” (SC, 10)
In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant symbolized God's covenant and was placed in the Holy of Holies within the Tabernacle. Similarly, our church's tabernacle contains Christ's real presence in the Eucharist. The Transcend campaign aims to bring the Tabernacle into our sanctuary, enhancing our sacred space. Your support makes this goal a reality, bringing greater focus to the Eucharist in the life of the church. Make a transformative impact with your gift, enhancing the sanctity of our sacred space.
Apse Mural
Inspired by Raphael's work, the Apse Mural brings the Transfiguration to life, unveiling the radiant glory of Christ. In this artwork, envision yourself among the disciples, ascending with Jesus during Mass and descending, like the apostles, to share the Gospel. The mural becomes a space to reflect on your journey and prompts a response to the call to bring the Good News to our communities. Consider making a transformational gift, contributing to the enduring sanctity of our sacred space.
The dome mural centers on the Assumption of Mary, portraying her completion of earthly life and ascent to Heaven. Encircling this central theme, eight Romanesque dome lunettes symbolize new beginnings and resurrection, drawing parallels to the eight appearances of Jesus after His Resurrection. The mural features 19 saints, chosen to reflect those in our altar, embody the charisms of our church, represent our faith community, span the diverse history of the church, and serve as inspirations for proclaiming Christ in our contemporary world. As we immerse ourselves in our rich tapestry of faith, consider making a gift that empowers this generation and those to come, ensuring the enduring legacy of bringing souls to Christ.
Our Reredos—a majestic 20-foot masterpiece crafted from wood, adorned with faux marble and delicate gold leaf accents —enhances the visual and spiritual aesthetics of our worship space. Flanked by statues of Our Lady and St. Ann, the Reredos cradles the new Tabernacle at its center, featuring a crucifix that draws attention to the sacrificial act of Jesus on the cross during the celebration of the Eucharist. Join us in bringing this transformative addition to life by making a gift that transcends, contributing to the beauty of our sacred space.
The proscenium arch helps direct our gaze to the Sanctuary. Framing the apse with an elevated decorative scheme, including Trompe l’oeil borders, intricate scrolls, and a banner inscribed with the Latin phrase "HIC EST FILIUS MEUS DILECTUS IN QUO MIHI BENE CONPLACUIT IPSUM AUDITE" (translating to "THIS IS MY BELOVED SON WITH WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED, LISTEN TO HIM"), this architectural element supports the Lamb of God mural and guides our eyes to the altar and sanctuary. Contribute a gift that elevates the beauty and directs us to the focal point of our church and liturgy: the altar of sacrifice.
Proscenium Arch
The baptistery, adorned with a dove graphic against the sky, enhances the symbolism inherent in the truth of Baptism. The dove, symbolizing peace and the Holy Spirit, seamlessly aligns with the sacrament’s reality of being freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God (CCC 1213). The clouded sky backdrop adds a heavenly ambiance, intensifying the spiritual depth of this sacred rite. This enhancement helps establish a powerful connection between the baptismal ceremony and its spiritual realities.
Thank you for your support of the Transcend Campaign!
The success of our campaign gives St. Ann the resources and opportunity to serve parishioners in the pews and beyond through the power of the Eucharist in our worship space.
"After 30 years at St. Ann's, we view the parish as a vital anchor for families in a society drifting from family values and Christian principles. Our goal is to fortify the parish as a source of beauty and faith, ensuring its enduring legacy for the next generation. St. Ann Parish is an integral part of our extended family, and we take joy in dedicating our time, talent, and resources alongside fellow Catholics united in serving Christ's purposes."
Rex Sanders and Barbara Sanders, Lead Co-Chairs
Planning Your Gift Over Three Years – Suggested Amount
The tabernacle inside the Chapel will remain there.
No, the way we pray and worship will remain the same. However, since Jesus Christ (inside the Tabernacle) will be present, there will be a greater sense of reverence inside the Main Church.
Yes, it will be updated to match the rest of the design. The dome will also be painted with heavenly art.
If interested, reach out to Rebecca Almanza at ralmanza@stannparish.org.
(Update: 9/10/24)
We are very optimistic scaffolding will go up at the beginning of February to start working on painting, lighting, and sound. We have half of our money in hand, and we are continuing to collect forward.
There are a lot of moving parts to the life of the parish to consider and they are working through all those challenges.
$5 million to complete the entire project.
Phase 1 is sanctuary beautification, about $3 million. Phase 2 sound and lighting, another $1 million. Phase 3 moving the Adoration Chapel and building a playground, another $1 million. We are presently in the parish-wide phase of the campaign reaching out to every parishioner and ministry. Several parishioners are hosting events in their homes to learn more about the details of the project. If you are interested in hosting or attending an event please send an email here.
You can support this project through your prayers; volunteering your time to call individuals, write letters, and share the vision and story of St. Ann; hosting a vision sharing at your house; financially supporting this project; and many more activities!